Live Event Sustainability: The Legacy of EXPO 2020

We can all agree that this is the only planet we’ve got. That is a big reason why so many people agree that tackling climate change issues should be at the top of our agenda. It is up to all of us to play a role in making more eco-friendly choices and reducing our carbon footprints. It is the same for the events industry, and it can be quite the challenge. Live events, particularly in a ‘decadent-leaning’ location such as the UAE, have traditionally been ‘in the red’ when it comes to sustainability objectives. The wow factor is most commonly prioritized above recycling, as is convenience and aesthetics over the provenance of accessories and style of decorations. But with so many advances in technology and dynamic eco-start ups offering exciting solutions, there are so many ways to improve live event sustainability. We take a look at how EXPO 2020, one of the largest global events in recent years, is doing it to get some inspiration…..
What is EXPO 2020?
If you haven’t already (and you definitely should before it ends) visited the site, EXPO 2020 is part of the World Expos that have been held for over 170 years. The 2020 version is hosted by the UAE and was brought to life on a grand new site close by to the new Al Maktoum International Airport nearby to the border between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. There are 192 country pavilions on the site, the largest gathering of this kind ever, and it’s overarching theme is on ‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’ through sustainability, mobility and opportunity.
What will happen to EXPO 2020?
Truly global events require immense amounts of preparation, manufacturing and infrastructure as well as plenty of talent and financial investment. But when these giant events are over, the host nations can be left with a range of issues from unusable venues to waste problems. Many cities have shared that the costs of hosting the Olympics, for instance, can be astronomical and sometimes lacking in comparison to the injection of income it is supposed to achieve or work out worst for the city’s sustainability goals. So how can you ensure that your global event doesn’t end up the same way? Once EXPO 2020 closes its gates at the end of March 2022, the site will begin transitioning into District 2020. “This sustainable, human-centric smart city will reuse at least 80% of the EXPO-built infrastructure, including LEED Gold and Platinum-certified buildings”. It will be an integrated, mixed-use community that will continue to “fulfil EXPO’s founding vision to be an ecosystem to connect, create and innovate”. Occupying this prominent and accessible location, District 2020 will be a beacon for cultural, commercial, entertainment and sustainable innovations with offices, technology hubs, cultural attractions and more. It has been designed to support the future of working and living, collaboration and connection, creating an environment that will inspire ideas and help us exceed expectations in the realm of human potential. So, taking into account the future plans for the site, how does EXPO 2020 stack up in terms of its live event sustainability?
Live event sustainability credentials
One of the major themes of EXPO 2020 is sustainability, so the event itself has made a huge effort to incorporate as many eco-friendly attributes and solutions as possible. Their entire strategy is intended to inspire others, both young generations and event industry professionals, about the possibility and ease of adopting more sustainable practices. It is also delivered in line with the Dubai Plan 2021, UAE Vision 2021 and the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Here are some of the key ways in which EXPO 2020 is leading the charge for sustainable events and that could work for your next event:
- Conserve energy: All of the permanent buildings at EXPO have renewable energy systems, with photovoltaic panels, that generate a total capacity of 5.5 megawatts (enough energy for 180,000 round trips from Downtown Dubai to the Abu Dhabi Corniche). Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion is every a net=zero energy building
- Care about nature: 95% of the post EXPO plans come from native and adaptive species and is managed without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers
- Manage your carbon footprint: As well as strict measurements of the events overall carbon imprint and post-event off-setting proposals, EXPO was meticulous about manufacturing and transport requirements, often opting for the least invasive choice to reduce consumption of water, energy and waste.
- Supplier Partnerships: EXPO was careful to ensure that all of its suppliers met its guidelines for sustainability and many of the country pavilions have been championed in their efforts to individually promote unique eco-friendly solutions and encourage visitors to embrace lifestyle changes that protect the planet
Reduce waste. The whole site, including its international participants and commercial partners, have a commitment to reducing packaging and single-use materials as well as to utilize on-site recycling spaces
Hosting live events in a sustainable way is getting easier than ever before. There are so many options for clients to choose from, no matter the size or goal of the event.
If you would like to talk to Serindipity Solutions about help with your strategic goals, virtual assistance, communication, branding or outsourcing, get in touch today to or 050 5944226.